2009年7月11日 星期六

Help Our Team (H.O.T.)

Which section are the readers able to help in? Take a look at the list below. (Red titles meaning that it’s TL-staff-only; Green meaning that help is welcome.)
If you are able to help in any way, just send in your stuff to tobyland@ymail.com , and we’ll see if we can approve it. If we use your submission, we’ll definitely acknowledge your work. Thank you!

Please note: Not all of these will be available in a single issue, some of them may not be in one week's issue but appear in the next.

Ask Toby Land: Readers can ask questions about Toby Land by e-mail to the TL staff, and we will answer them to the best of our abilities. We select about 5 of them to publish per week.

TL Sneak Peeks: Readers can peek some special items that will coming soon to Toby Land.

Stories:Readers can know more some up-coming stories of Toby Land.

Submit Your Own: Lets readers submit their own ideas (Some items of Toby Land) , fan art (comics, etc) and more ...

Create a ...:Readers can help Toby Land to create something.

Current News: A summary of what happened in Toby Land for the past week

Fan Art: Show a comic, drawing, or something else about Toby Land created by a TL fan. Be creative!

Comment:Readers can give some comments about Toby Land.

If you would like to apply for any of these positions, you may do so anytime and send them over to tobyland@ymail . We can’t wait to see our readers’ creativity!

H.O.T. and get free coins!

Readers can help us to create something and they will get free coins!If you want to help us, feel free to choose an idea.

  • Create a game :300 TD (*If it is good and creative.)
  • Giving an idea of an planet :500 TD (*If it is brilliant.)
  • Giving idea of a pet :250 TD (*If you are chosen.)
  • Create a Story :100 TD (*If we put your story in the blog.)
  • Create an item:25 TD (* If we put your Item in Toby Land.)
  • (Coming Soon)